Igniting Little Hearts & Minds
A resource encouraging your toddler to fall more in love with learning and with Jesus.
This is why I remind you to help God’s gift grow, just as a small spark grows into a fire.
II Timothy 1:6
Our goal with The Little Embers Learning Project is to fill you with hope. Hope for the long days. Hope for the tired mom who feels like she is in survival mode. Hope for the dad who wants to connect more, but doesn’t know how. Hope for the parents working at home while also parenting at home.We want to come alongside you and guide you through creating a doable rhythm for you and your preschooler. Our daily prayers, scripture memory activities, and learning lessons are meant to instill a love of learning while leading you both to Jesus.
Curriculum Overview
based learning activities. The activities in this curriculum are simple to do, affordable, stress-free, and a great time filler. Each lesson is created with 2 to 4-year-olds in mind and only take 15-30 minutes. We will cover STEM, art, counting, and other basic skills all built around having fun. Emphasis on fun.Our hope is The Little Embers Learning Project creates a joy of learning and a deeper passion for Jesus for both you and your little one. The goal of this project is to love Jesus, love your little, and have fun learning. That’s it! This curriculum is all about the journey and we’d love to have you be a part of it.
Igniting Little Hearts & Minds
What to expect
This resource includes the first 9-weeks featuring a different theme each week. Within each week, we have time for guided personal reflection, a themed memory scripture, five days of easy activities, a supply and book list, a Spotify playlist, a coloring page, and of course, a desire for you to see Jesus. We will cover STEM, art, counting, basic life skills, and so much more through fun and engaging, play-based activities. Emphasis on the fun.
What not to expect
Our goal is not to get your child ready for kindergarten. Yes, you read that right. If that is your goal, that’s amazing! There are so many resources out there that will be a better fit for your family. This is not a rigorous, academia accredited course. You will not find a grueling and strict schedule with little room for error. We simply want you to connect with your child and for your child to fall more in love with learning and with Jesus.
- The first unit including 9 weeks of lessons
- 45 unique activities
- Weekly guided devotional time
- 9 curated, theme-based Spotify playlists
- 10+ printout activity pages
- 9 coloring pages
- 9 memory verse posters
- Book lists for each week
- The Little Embers Learning Primer Packet
- Family value statement worksheet
What's Taught?
Shapes, Letters & Numbers
Creative Art & Sciences
Fine & Gross Motor Skills
Scripture & Biblical Truth
Looking for a sample?
What does a day look like?
We start every lesson with a prayer. We have a prayer you can read aloud or you can pray your own. You can also ask your child to pray as you begin the day.
Memory Verse
Next, practice the Bible verse and learn the hand motions to go with it. We also include fun ideas to help make scripture memory fun. Remember, the goal is not to have your 3-year-old reciting 26 verses from memory, the idea is to simply speak the truth of God together as a family and to instill a love for knowing his word.
Learning Lesson
5 unique lessons to choose from each week. You can go in order or just pick one that sounds fun for the day. Each lesson has been tested and is toddler approved. Most won’t require any preparation and if it does, you can prep with your kiddo. A lesson will take around 15-30 minutes to complete.
Family Value Statement
Each lesson ends with your family value statement. Say it loud and proud. Don’t worry, it’s not weird or culty. Our family value statement is: "Be kind. Be brave. Be strong. Love always." The curriculum includes a worksheet to guide you in creating your own value statement if you don’t have one.
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Begin the week with small prompts, encouragement, and general questions to help you process and pray over the week ahead. This is a structured time just for you. It is meant to point your eyes to Jesus and to help you to remember to take a deep breath.
Looking for a sample?
Weekly Rundown
A quick overview of everything you will need for the week, including a suggested book list and a curated Spotify playlist.
Daily Routine
Each day includes a prayer, the weekly verse, a lesson, and ends with your family mission. Go through each step one-by-one and that’s it! This is simple to follow and a great way to build consistency.
Lessons & Letter Work
Each week has 5 learning lessons and 2 ideas for letter work that correspond with that weeks theme. These lessons provide simple activities that last 15-30 minutes using many household supplies you probably already have on hand.
Extras & Assets
Included in each week are memory verse posters and a 26 coloring pages. Also sprinkled throughout the curriculum are activity resource pages that go along with various learning activities.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is this a physical book?
A. Nope! This is a digital e-book sent to you in PDF format once purchased.
Q. Do you sell a hard copy?
A. We do not. However, we do provide a printer-friendly version of the curriculum if you wish to print it on your own. Also, Lulu Xpress and Family Nest Printing are affordable options we recommend if you’d like to have someone print it for you.
Q. Can I preiew the curriculum before I purchase?
A. Of course! We want to make sure this is curriculum is a great fit for all who purchase. Click here to see a preview of week one.
Q. Do you offer refunds?
A. Since all files are instantly made available upon purchase, we are not able to process any refunds once payments are successfully processed.
Q. Do you offer discounts?
A. We never want our curriculum to be a financial burden. Our desire is to have The Little Ember Project be affordable and accessible to all. If our normal price point is truly a financial stress in your current circumstances, please contact us at hello@littleemberslearning.co and we will work with you to provide financial assistance. Everyone should have access to fun ways to engage with their little one!
Q. Can I share my copy with a friend or family member?
A. The Little Embers Learning Project is for personal use only and the sale, distribution, or reproduction of any of our files is prohibited. A lot of prayer, time, effort, and creativity went into making this a valuable resource for parents. In return, we ask everyone to honor this policy. If you wish to buy a second copy for someone else, contact us at hello@littleemberslearning.co and I’m sure we can give some financial assistance.
Q. Can I use this in my classrom or for church classes?
A. The Little Embers Learning Project is for individual use only and the sale, distribution, or reproduction of any of our files is prohibited. If you wish to use any material in a classroom setting or make this available to parents in your church, contact us at hello@littleemberslearning.co for alternative distribution options and potential licensing opportunities.
Q. My link isn't working...help!?
A. A link is active for 24-hours from the first time you click it. If your link has expired and you need access to your download link, please email us at hello@littleemberslearning.co and we will send you a new link.
Q. I can't find my link. What now?
A. We do not. However, we do provide a printer-friendly version of the curriculum if you wish to print it on your own. Also, Lulu Xpress and Family Nest Printing are affordable options we recommend if you’d like to have someone print it for you.
The Curriculum
Q. Will this get my child pre-school / kindergarten ready?
A. As educational as our curriculum is, it's not our goal to prep your kiddo for kindergarten. Yes, you read that right. If that is your goal, that’s amazing! There are so many resources out there that will be a better fit for your family. We simply want you to connect with your child and for your child to fall more in love with learning and with Jesus.
Q. What's the age range recommended for this curriculum?
A. Our curriculum is flexible and adaptable and is intended for kiddos between 2 to 4.
Q. What time comittment should I expect?
A. Each day is structured to last between 15 - 30 minutes. However, if it's one of those days your little ember is bouncing off the walls, take full liberty to cut it short and make it a 5 minute lesson!
Q. What supplies do I need?
A. We intentionally have made all activities with simple supplies. Most days require household items you probably already have on hand. Any supplies you may need are simple and affordable. A list of must-have items are included when you purchase the curriculum.
Q. Is this a faith based curriculum?
A. Yes! We are unashamedly Christian and it is our hope that our love for Jesus shines through each and every word of this curriculum and encourages you to love Jesus more as well.
Q. I am not a Chrstian, can I still do the curriculum?
A. You sure can! Devotionals, prayers, and scripture are a big part of our lessons but you can skip over these and go straight to the learning lessons. However, we want you to know that there is a God who loves you dearly and has a plan and purpose for your life. Read the prayers, look over the scripture, I'm sure the words will still be an encouragement to you.
Q. I can't find my link. What now?
A. Each kiddo is so unique and different which makes the answer to this question a bit tricky. We believe these activities are simple and adaptable to many child's developmental level, however, you know your kiddo best.If you are interested in seeing if this would work for your special little one, email us at hello@littleemberslearning.co and we will be happy to give more specific guidance.Please note, this should not replace any developmental tools or activities that you've been given by your child's therapist, physician, etc.
Thank You
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